OGI Systems Group

יום רביעי, 13 ביולי 2011


SCANOX, a new generation HD series for planning, grading and marking, is signifying the beginning of a new era in the diamond industry. This new revolutionary cutting-edge technology has been launched by OGI Systems LTD, the world's leading company for computerized diamond tools. The SCANOX HD series is to be unveiled at the Jewellex Africa 2011 exhibition in Johannesburg, Booth G23, on July 23rd- 25th. Visitors to the booth can experience the system hands-on and learn about its unsurpassed benefits in person.


SCANOX HD is an outcome of extensive research and development carried out in OGI Systems' worldwide laboratories in the past three years. It has been created with the vision of providing diamond dealers and manufacturers with the ultimate system for the most precise diamond analysis.

The SCANOX HD series complies with the highest and strictest standards required in the foremost diamond laboratories around the world, embracing added-value features that turn OGI Systems into a leading force in the diamond industry. One of the most essential features in the new series is its unprecedented ability to achieve a phenomenally sharp and clear image of the diamond, featuring significant details such as proportions, symmetry and extra facets. This is accomplished owing to the enhanced CCD Sensor in its camera, coupled with its Internal Led Lighting for enhanced view of the stone.  This preciseness, along with consistency in diamond measurement achieved by the system's innovative multi lenses, result in the ultimate solution for diamantaires.

The SCANOX series is made up of three main systems:
Scanox Proportion HD – Measuring and grading of polished diamonds http://ogisystems.com/retaileds/scanox.html
Scanox Planner HD- Mapping and identification of inclusions in rough diamonds
Scanox Marker HD – Advanced laser marking unit for visible and extremely accurate laser line