OGI Systems Group

Where Royalty Prevails, the Sky is the Limit...

The most innovative
laser inscription
in the world...
only $28,000!! 

There's nothing more precious than a diamond…
But an inscription on a diamond makes it ever more cherished…

SAWCut LTD is a division of the OGISystems Group, a world leader in technological solutions for the diamond industry in the past 20 years.

It is our pleasure to introduce you to GEMScribe, a new, improved, state-of-the-art technology that will allow you to make various inscriptions on the stone's girdle in a user-friendly system.

GEMScribe is a powerful automatic inscription system manufactured
by SAWCut LTD.
GEMScribe is already being used in several labs around the world.

Why make an inscription?
For protection…
Inscribe your serial number.
For branding…
inscribe your company logo.
For friendship…
Inscribe your personal dedication.
For Heritage...
Inscribe the date of purchase.
For a feeling of wellbeing...
Inscribe your zodiac sign or other personal symbol.

Why choose GEMScribe ?
Because it has the most advanced options…
· GEMScribe can inscribe on all shapes, including squares.
· It has the exclusive ability to inscribe on some other gemstones, and also on some
  embedded stones.
· It supports Windows fonts.

Because it is convenient…
· GEMScribe is easy to operate and Plug n' Play.
· It is compact in size.

Because it is first-class quality…
· GEMScribe features a crystal-clear picture of the gem
  during its operation.
· It produces extremely high-quality inscriptions.

Because it is trouble-free and user-friendly…
· Gemscribe demonstrates high performance under diverse conditions,
  due to its mechanical stability.
· No special qualification is necessary to operate it.
· There is almost no maintenance involved.

Take a small step towards a great decision….

Begin upgrading your business now!

For more information, visit our website,
or contact Iris Levi at: sales@ogisystems.com

You can also experience Gemscribe first hand....

Visit our live exhibition at our Belgium office and see Gemscribe at work.
contact information:
OGI Systems Europe
Schupstraat1/7 b60, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium
Tel: +32-3-2274868    Fax: +32-3-4858889
E-mail: ogibel@telenet.be

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