OGI Systems Group

יום שלישי, 16 באוגוסט 2011

SCANOX Tender i500, Portable Rough Analyzer

NEW from OGI systems...
Scanox Tender i500, a revolutionary portable rough analyzer that can measure large diamonds, up to 500 carats. 

With the Scanox Tender i500, you can be more than condent about making the smartest decision,  even when you are buying extremely large rough diamonds.

Product Highlights
  • High Resolution Digital Camera for most accurate mapping of the smallest visible inclusions
  • Special Lens to measure rough diamonds ranging from 1 to 500 carats
  • Revolutionary compact design
  • Compatible with OGIRough Software
  • Best Value feature with advanced algorithms for automatic analysis of different cut grades, shapes, clarity grades and inclusions' positions, for maximum profit
  • Optional: laser scanner enables precise mapping of grooves and holes
  • Automatically calculates the Rough prices for bids
  • Compatible with ZVI Yehuda Colorimeter machine
One System - One Rough Solution
Up to 500 Carats
OGISYSTEMS Smart Technology Tools