OGI Systems Group

יום חמישי, 10 ביוני 2010

The Most Romantic Birthday Present

This is a story a close friend of mine told me a while ago. She and her husband have always been deeply in love, and they always try to be creative when it comes to birthday presents. But this time, her husband went overboard...

"Birthdays are always a happy occasion. But this year my birthday was extra special. I guess my husband decided that on my 40th birthday(!!) it's time to show his full love to me...
We went out for dinner, as we usually do on such an occasion, and we had a romantic evening together. Everything was just perfect : The food was delicious, the place, which was overlooking the sea, had a romantic touch, and most important- we had a great conversation going and we were feeling very flirtatious.
But I didn't realize that the evening's highlight was yet to come...
After a wonderful dessert, my husband took a small, wrapped gift out of his pocket. He asked me to close my eyes, and then he took my hand, and suddenly I felt a ring being set on my finger. I opened my eyes, and there it was- a real diamond ring, shining and sparkling at me, with endless flickers of light twinkling and glimmering...I was so astonished, I couldn't get hold of myself and started to cry...it was really weird, because I was actually so happy, and I didn't know why I was crying...
But I still had another surprise coming...
My husband then took a magnifying glass out of his other pocket. I didn't understand what he was doing, until he said, "This is for you to see the dedication."  "What dedication?" I wondered. And he put the magnifying glass over the diamond, and there it was- a picture of my zodiac, a Leo, with the words "I love you" inscribed on it. I couldn't believe my eyes...right on the diamond's girdle, a beautiful dedication which I will always secretly carry with me, knowing that our love will last forever, just as a diamond does..."

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