OGI Systems Group

יום רביעי, 10 בנובמבר 2010

OGISystems LTD is launching Ultimate Sorting Computerized Gauge- Diamscope® Nano

Once again OGI Systems LTD is at its best, with its new and most beneficial contribution to the polished diamond industry – the Diamscope® Nano, the leading small-stone sorting computerized gauge which is the ultimate method to achieve invisible settings during the embedment of the stones. 

No more elaborate manual sorting of diamonds, which is not only time-consuming, but may also lead to inaccurate embedding. In our fast-paced modern world, diamond dealers and manufacturers are constantly looking for the simplest solutions corresponding to their needs. When it comes to small-stone quick sorting, Diamscope® Nano is the ultimate answer.

Compact and user-friendly, but most accurate, Diamscope® Nano will measure any stone shape, including princess, baguette and especially square shapes, displaying corner angles, length, width and edge.

However, despite its advanced performance, the Diamscope® Nano is a USB Plug N' Play based system, which requires no special training. Just place your diamond on the platform, and in a split-second you will get all the information you need regarding its dimensions.

Diamscope® Nano is especially beneficial for diamond merchants and manufacturers dealing with bulk quantities of small stones – diamonds or other gemstones - and need quick and accurate sorting. Diamscope® Nano is bound to return any jeweler's investment in no time.


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