OGI Systems Group

יום שני, 24 בינואר 2011

OGI Systems' Leading Products

OGI Systems LTD, the leading global company for diamond computerized tools, provides smart solutions for every stage of the diamond’s design and manufacturing.
OGI Systems has an experience of 20 years in providing smart solutions for stone measuring, grading, analyzing, marking, sawing and inscribing.

OGI Systems has developed two main software for the diamond industry – for rough and polished stones. These software are compatible with different machine models: machines that serve different purposes and similar machines that have a different number of channels.  

The OGIRough is the software intended for rough stones. This software inspects the stone and makes an analysis of what can be obtained from the rough according to different parameters, such as shape, number of stones that can be obtained from one stone and polished stone value in accordance with Rapaport standards. If the software is connected to a machine equipped with a laser device, then it can laser mark the stone for polishing or cutting.

The Megascope has two main functions: First, it analyzes the stone's proportions during each stage of the manufacturing process. This helps in achieving the best results when polishing the stone. In addition, the software analyzes the polished stone in its final stage, based on criteria of different labs worldwide, such as GIA, IGI, HRD and EGL. Finally, when the analysis is done, a certificate can be produced, based on the data obtained from the software, via the certificate editor.  

In addition to these two main software, OGI Systems' leading brands are:
OGITender       - Portable Rough Analyzer  
OGIMarker         - Rough Laser Marking 
GEMScribe       - Girdle Laser Inscription
PHOENiX           - Green Laser Sawing and Cutting

OGI Systems has been providing its tools and services to many companies spanning the globe for many years. Moreover, a company purchasing our machines will always get the support it needs, since OGI Systems has benefited its customers with support offices in many countries, including India. 

One of OGI Systems' foremost tools is the Gemscribe, an innovative laser inscription tool for the diamond's and gemstone's girdle. This is a state-of-the-art machine+software that is extremely user-friendly, compact in size and stable. This tool has a relative advantage over others of its kind, especially in its ability to inscribe on embedded stones, on any shape, but also in the fact that there is no limit to the stone size, and that you can make corrections after the inscription without having to repolish the stone. 

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