OGI Systems Group

יום שני, 17 בינואר 2011

There's nothing more precious than a diamond… but an inscription on a diamond makes it ever more cherished

OGI Systems, the leading company for diamond computerized tools, is launching a worldwide diamond inscription service

The most precious present a woman can get is her engagement ring. It's not only the price value of the diamond that makes it so cherished, but especially the meaning that is embedded into it. This ring is the ultimate symbol of eternal love between two people who are going to be bound forever, "for better or for worse, till death do us part". The diamond is not a coincidental choice for the engagement bond. It has been chosen due to its enduring qualities - the diamond lasts forever just as true love does. In addition, the diamond's perfect beauty symbolizes the beauty of the relationship between two lovers.

However, despite the fact that the diamond is perfect in its own right, today a new global trend is materializing- inscription of a dedication on the diamond's girdle. This enhances the diamond's romantic value even more. Imagine having a diamond with your lover's words secretly inscribed on it forever…it is the culmination of your love and loyalty to each other! The inscription "Forever yours" for example, becomes an eternal symbol of love, inscribed both on the diamond and in your heart until the end of times…and naturally, if you are not a person of words, you can always inscribe a symbol instead, of your zodiac sign or anything else that is meaningful to you.

Furthermore, apart from the romantic personalization of the diamond, an inscription actually protects the diamond from counterfeiting: how can you otherwise be sure that when you send your diamond to be cleaned or re-embedded, that the same stone will truly return to you? An inscription is a safety measure which is a must for such a valuable stone. Moreover, a bitmap image of the inscription-whether a romantic message or just a serial number- will upgrade your certificate of authenticity to a great extent.

Diamond inscription uses the most advanced laser technology. It seems to be a complicated process, but actually it is a very simple procedure that anyone can learn to handle quite easily.  All you have to do is place the stone inside the machine and choose an area for inscription. Then take a snapshot of this area, choose a text or an image and upload it to the program screen. The next stage is to match the chosen text or image to a suitable spot on the girdle. And finally, the girdle is laser-inscribed in a matter of seconds. The entire inscription process can be viewed on the screen, featuring a crystal-clear picture of the gem.

There are all kinds of systems that use this technology. However, it is important that when you purchase such a system you make certain that it is user-friendly and compact in size, and that it has the option to inscribe on other gemstones as well. In addition, an added-value property is the ability to inscribe on embedded stones. There are also other considerations, such as the stone size and the system's ability to inscribe on different shapes. On the whole, once you have such a system under your hands, you can turn it into a relative advantage: you can attract your customers by offering them a special service which can only be provided by certain jewelry dealers. You can even take it further and advertise yourself as an inscription center for diamonds and gemstones. The possibilities are endless; it all depends on your vision and inspiration.

One example of such initiative is the worldwide inscription campaign that OGI Systems LTD has launched with the aim of promoting the idea of inscription on the diamond's girdle, bearing in mind that access to such service should be convenient. As part of this campaign, OGI has opened inscription centers around the globe, in Canada, England, Belgium, Italy, Israel, Tokyo, Australia and even Vietnam, and has united all its service providers under one roof. According to Mr Lior Modlin, manager of the marketing and sales department at OGI Systems Group,  whoever needs such service will be directed to the closest service provider to his/her address. The different inscription centers provide laser inscription service to their customers, based on the technology of the Gemscribe, an inscription tool developed in the worldwide OGI laboratories. This is a win-win notion, since both the customers and the service providers will profit from it: the customers will gain the convenient access to the service, while the service providers will gain from the promotion of their business. Any company or business purchasing the Gemscribe, from any country around the world, can join this service at no charge.     

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